As he heads into a fall re-election bid, Ohio Gov. John Kasich on Tuesday backed a package of new tax cuts and a one-year reprieve from school district and teacher penalties related to the state's new education and teacher evaluation standards. ...
Students benefit when secondary schools make a strong commitment to fostering social and emotional learning, write Barbara Cervone and Kathleen Cushman. ...
At a time when more states are moving to retain struggling students in lower grades, research shows that such efforts are counterproductive, Deborah Stipek and Michael Lombardo say. ...
Proposed changes to "net neutrality" rules, posted by the Federal Communications Commission, have raised concerns among some some education and technology advocates, who fear it will diminish the tradition of a free and open Internet. ...
The Baltimore and Boston initiatives come amid an influx of money into the ed-tech sector for the development of digital curricula, assessment products, and other offerings. ...