Officials in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Michigan aim to reassure school districts that common core won't hurt local control, but some are skeptical. ...
Some built-in student accommodations for the common-core tests being developed by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers will be unavailable during spring 2014 field tests. ...
Expanding blended and online learning is appealing in many school systems, despite recent, high-profile disruptions in ambitious, 1-to-1 technology plans, attendees at the recent iNACOL summit said. ...
When it comes to transforming public education, poor families wield the least power even as their children attend the lowest-performing schools, writes Arnold F. Fege. ...
It's imperative for schools and policymakers to work with teachers to include family-involvement strategies and practices, Steven Sheldon says. ...
When it comes to assessing school options for their children, parents must ask the right questions and stay informed, Karran Harper Royal writes. ...