The plan would allow students to transfer to better schools within districts that score at a provisional level on state performance reports. ...
The foundation has put $22 million behind several organizations that aim to elevate teachers' voices in policy discussions, but those groups have often been viewed with suspicion by teachers' unions. ...
Since 2008, the philanthropy has spent about $700 million on a variety of teacher-quality initiatives. Critics fear that the Seattle-based foundation is having an outsized influence. ...
Observers see considerable alignment between the teacher-quality agendas of the private foundation and the federal agency. In fact, several top department officials came from the philanthropy. ...
The Gates-supported research has sparked criticism about how the project was framed, how findings were communicated, and whether states are taking away appropriate lessons from it. ...
A new report finds that 40 states saw increases in the number of homeless students in the 2011-12 school year—some by 20 percent or more. ...