28 Jan SIG Program Gets Makeover in Newly Passed Budget
States and districts getting School Improvement Grant aid could receive greater flexibility under language included in the federal spending measure. ...
States and districts getting School Improvement Grant aid could receive greater flexibility under language included in the federal spending measure. ...
The U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments in a dispute with the potential to shake up the landscape for teachers' unions and other public-sector labor groups. ...
Pregnant women, infants, and children up to age 3 could end up as big beneficiaries of the $1 billion in early-education aid in the recently passed federal spending measure. ...
The number of charters may soon double in North Carolina, thanks to new laws lifting the state's charter cap and easing other restrictions on the schools. ...
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley tells lawmakers that she intends to direct more resources to the state's neediest students and push to improve public school technology. ...
Wide graduation-rate gaps between students with disabilities and those in regular education will raise the stakes when states undergo federal evaluation. ...
Preoccupation with implementing the common core for math and literacy is an oft-cited obstacle in states to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards. ...